Please talk about 'money, money, money'

It's nice to see and hear people always quarreling over money matters.
Money can buy lots of food and other necessities. Money can buy a lot of conveniences and luxurious comfort.

Money can buy glamour, face and status.
Money can buy lives. They say a bullet costs only one dollar in the US. Yes, lives only cost that much where you can have access to weapons.

Money buys up brotherhood, family relations and even GOD himself.

Money makes siblings in a family fight and kill each other in order to own the bigger slice.

Money buys up terrorists to tie bombs around their waists and burn up religious / worshipping buildings. Money buys a glamourous concrete structure to house those having faith in GOD, money also assumes GOD will only choose to bless those going to a 'glamourous' worshipping premise over less glamourous ones.

Money blurrs the bonding between brothers and make humans of the same faith kill each other for the cause of 'power' and 'face'.

Money being the dirtiest thing on earth is being pursued by people from all walks of life, from the dirtiest beggars to the 'spiritually clean'. Money is the most 'unforbidden' item in a messy world of 'forbidden' fruits.

Money buys demolition.
