Minister, pls look at your own reflection in the toilet bowl

OUR health minister suddenly expressed some 'heartfelt' concern towards our beloved rakyat of 'ever superb Malaysia Bolehland'. THE heart-warming report was aired over Bad-Notorious-owned tv media, highlighting some statistics about the ever-increasing and ever-troubling problem of 'obesity' amongst our new young generations. YA, it sure is a big problem. This problem is so big that, even the minister himself didn't notice that he is also among those contributing to the numbers. It seemed to me that the minister (what minister was that, . . . . Health, oh-oh, I see) doesn't have money to buy a decent mirror, so as to see for himself what 'obesity' really meant. And, and while we are on the subject, why not look around you, I bet you won't have enough fingers to count all those in the cabinet who fit the bill. So, anyone in the Bad-Notorious camp who couldn't afford a mirror, please go to the toilet and look into the reflection, and decide for yourself, whether you should express concern for yourselves first.
