What genes gave birth to BN politicians?

Today I watch in awe two groundbreaking news broadcasted from our BAdNotorious government-owned tv channel. THE deputy PM Tansri something muyidin old man announced a 'plan' deemed to be a breakthrough in Malaysian Education history. He mentioned the blueprint for this 'new' (what a 'groundbreaking ' term to use for a 55-yr-old trick) education implementation is going to 'boost' the learning capacity of new generation of Malaysian scholars. Suddenly I found that this present batch of cabinet ministers are 'SO' much more brilliant than what we 'HAD' for the past 50 years. It seems, whatever the politicians from BN have previously said or done to our education system since independence, they have not learn to utilise such terms like 'new', 'blueprint', 'boost' etc, and that by including such terms in their announcements, the present batch of ministers would have 'achieved' results we never dare dream of before. I really would like to know; what type of mothers would have given birth to such a batch of brainless ministers, who always thought that their speeches would be much more convincing by including those 'unique' and 'bombastic' terms in them. BUT then my wife told me, this was how our education system had always been, she recalled during her schooldays, one of her Malay essays scored the highest marks and won the headmaster's honorable mention due to her usage of large collection of Manglish Malay words e.g. informasi, sensasi, organisasi, and such. her classmates all scored a lot lower due to lack of such words. The second good news was about our housing ministry warning prospect house buyers to 'check' background of the developing company before committing a purchase. Wow, what a caring gesture. I know the TDMahathir administration created thousands of 'Fly-by-night' F-class developers who abused their powers and capitalised on the gullibility of Malaysians (again all educated under the great education system implemented by our BAdNotorious leaders since independence), gobbled up tons of money from would-be house buyers and creating uncountable 'FAILED' (F-class) development projects that still marred the landscape of our country till today. The reason that our housing ministry issued such a warning today, the wave of abandoned (or failed) projects have now victimised Malaysians who are related to the BN politicians one way or another. 10 years ago, I already know how to advise my relatives and friends about 'checking the company background' before buying any house, not only that, I also taught them to refrain from attending sales launches of developing companies that don't use clay bricks for construction. Little did I know our housing ministry have brain cells that worked 10 years behind my time. I am equally curious about what type of genes and DNA running in a family tree that produced such slow brains for the leadership of Malaysia.
