The laziest and stupidest human species on Earth

0135222481 on 10 Oct 2012 Salam. Siapakah yang mampu membawa kembali kegemilangan Selangor? BN atau PR? Mohon dijawab - sms caj 1sen aje. Dari syarikat kajian bebas. Tk. 0179316193 on 28 Sep 2012 Siapa patut disokong bagi memajukan negara sama adil-PR ke BN? Who we shud support to develop the country, fairly-PR or BN? Mohon pendapat tuan.Pls reply.TQ 0194888272 on 24 Sep 2012 Salam, siapa yang lebih mesra rakyat & anda suka? (who is more people friendly & you like?) PKR or BN. Kami penganalisa bebas. These are the SMSes I received about our coming General election. I guess the people who are holding these phone numbers, they must be aiming to jeopardise the 'fairness' of the Malaysian GE. They have no right to ask for political opinions secretly like these. I do hope the government or Najis administration could face up to the reality and send these people to jail. And the SMSes could even have the balls to ask for 1sen charge to any SMS-reply. Even if they pay me a million for replying, I won't be answering them, what more stupid to charge me 1 sen. No wonder the Oxford dictionary has an entry to describe these people as ' the laziest and most stupid human species' in the world.
