DDogs are dumb animals

they say dogs are man's best friends, also they say, dogs are intelligent animals. I say bullshit. Many people are already so obssessed with dogs that they could not come face to face with the fact that, dog species have been mix-breed to a stage where some offfsprings are voracious and dumb. Though once in a blue moon, you can read about a dog saving lives of its master, or fighting off a dangerous stranger, BUT the mythical beliefs of dogs being highly intelligent could only get as far as 'intelligent when compared with other animals' and not like what dog owners chose to believe. So far, in Malaysia, I have only heard of police dogs sniffing out smugggled drugs at customs gates, other than these, the other news about dogs are all BAD NEWS. You have dogs biting innocent and old people or children to death, always creating noise pollution by barking at the wrong people, I could not help but believe, that 'dogs are intelligent' is merely an overstated myth. I find that most dogs kept by Malaysians are STUPID, DUMB, AND NON-HELPFUL. They do not seem to know how to differentiate between strangers who will or will cause harm to them. In fact, dogs acquire the bad behaviours of their owners, if an owner is stubborn or voracious, his dogs will be same. BUT if an owner is kind, his dogs need not necessarily be kind if he didn't train them. Many dumb owners keep dogs for no reason at all, and their dogs will bark day and night without a reason, causing neighbours to be frustrated and 'immune' to the 'sounds made by dogs'. Which explains why, despite people keeping dogs at home, their houses still get broken into by thugs, and I have yet to hear about a case where dogs could actually fight off thugs and robbers, LOL. You see, when neighbours get immune about dogs' barkings, they won't even bother to look even if the next door house gets broken into, right?
