Malaysians no longer trust police to prevent crime
So that is how we were portrayed in the eyes of the world. Thanks to TDM, The Dreaded Man, for putting Malaysia on the world stage.
No, I didn't say it myself. It was the Indonesian papers which printed such a report. Thanks to the Indonesian for bringing it up, because our ball-less doggy-tailed mainstream media DARE NOT WRITE THIS IN BLACK AND WHITE.
I have more to add to this statement. In fact we do not trust the police to even take care of public security. We have to carry weapons and be extra alert when going our rounds in public. Yes, you gyessed it, public security into private hands.
Not only that since TDM the dreaded maniac's administration, all the 'public facilities' of Malaysian have been 'privatised' into the hands of those who 'satay-ed' TDM's behind leaving no 'public grounds' for the Malaysian 'public' to spend their time.
There seem to be no 'public parks' or playgrounds for the newer generation of youngsters to waste thweir energy, they had to become 'rempits' on public roads.
Many roads were also privatised' soon the rempits would have no more 'public roads' to roam about. That would be the time they 'rempit' into private homes.
Water is no more a public facility. They charge you high water rates and high deposit payments in order to fuel their glamour dreams, as well as secure a 'sure-win' frontier in coming elections.
They pipe in dirty water from the streams and let us become sickness ridden beings so that we do not have time and stamina to COMPLAIN. let alone REBEL.
In order to ensure clean water for consumption, you have to continually buy lousy grade water filters ( oh, the assembly set is definitely manufactured in good plastic, and looks more than presentable. here I am refering to the actual piece that does the work of 'FILTERING' water).
Because you didn't vote the Bad Notorious reps in the previous elections, they are conspiring to 'shut' down some water pipes and also 'power lines' so as to make your life 'more dramatic' once a while.
Police are all growing bigger and bigger tummies, so they have a reason not to run after thugs and robbers. They also have bigger and more comfortable air-cond rooms to sit in, hence making them reluctant to move their butts away from that high chair.
Maybe they are still şhort-handed, and I would recommend 'privatising' the police force, get more foreign (legals and illegals) cheap labour to do the patroling.
Mabe one day we can also see a foreigner posing as the PM Najis's wife. Why not, cheap labour mah, can save some money from there, after all, a foreign maid won't need to wear a RM24 million diamond ring wat?
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