With Hari Raya Puasa holidays around the corner, the Bad Notorious government officials are quickly appearing on TV to 'announce' a very 'brilliant' and 'innovative' implementation TO ENSURE PUBLIC SECURITY AT ITS BEST; especially when most people leave their city homes vacant for the holidays.
The 'implementation is also a 'measure' to address uprising crimes in shopping complexes. The chairman of porno-king CSL said something like ' ENSURE THERE WILL BE ADEQUATE POLICE MANPOWER AND POLICE PATROLING" the mentioned premises.
Actually, I felt that cannot be considered a good measure. It could only at best be discribed as a 'general statement made as normal practice before any festive holiday'.
I have a better idea. Since Malaysians are very enterprisng people, and we are also very 'pandai' to engage (employ) foreign workers to do 'ANY WORK WE MALAYSIANS DO NOT WANT TO DO"; why not we get a few million foreigners (cheap labour) to do the patroling during this festive season?
After all, most if not all of our housing security and shopping security guards are foreigners, right?
If we can trust foreigners to guard our homes, we can also trust them to 'ronda' the public areas. This way, all our muslim policemen can have a 'peaceful holiday' in their 'kampung'.
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