Wait till Malaysians know how to appreciate 'QUALITY'

Wait till Malaysians know how to appreciate 'quality' Such was a remark given by one Sime Darby subsidiary MD back in the 90s when I was doing journalism in the tyre industry. The MD was at a press conference for one of their company's product launch and answering the reporters questions, when Iposted my doubt on the actual technology transfer for a uniradial tyre reinforcement into the Malaysian tyre replacement market. I asked how the tyre company could convince our local consumers what they advertised is going to really benefit users when users aren't technically knowledgeable enough to even 'understand' the technological terms itself. The MD blasted back with that million dollar comment, and I got baffled. I have to salute, albeit at a seemingly late date, the MD for giving me such a lecture. He was overwhelmingly visionary. Even after 20 years, I felt those words like a divine message ringing in my head. Did I mentioned earlier that Malaysian consumerism kills businesses? YES. It's the way Malaysians adapt to low quality product and services, that makes 'quality' dead. At government level, ministers and officials favoured those who have connections (not appropriate expertise) and handed out tender jobs to them. These businessmen. In the name of money-making, would engage people who charge the lowest labour rates to execute those jobs, and Malaysia would end up owning low quality infrastructure (with superfacially glamorous packaging). At commercial level, bosses want to shake legs and earn loads of profit at the same time, so they in turn have to squeeze from the lower ranks. Lower allocation for execution fees will only buy you 'low quality cheapskate' end products. This is equal to Apple making iPads in China utilising lowtech workmanship and low wages, hence you get lousier products as compared to the country of origin. Restaurateurs who want to earn money without working hard also hire foreign workers in order to pay less wages, you get food cooked by these people who know nothing about cooking. People who knows how to cook and utilise quality raw materials will find it hard to compete in an environment where consumers are constantly running all over town in search of new and newer eating places to patronise. These food businesses either close shop not long after, or they have to succumb to non-quality food preparation to survive in the long run. I understand that Singapore and HongKong also relied a lot on foreign labour, BUT you can find that it's always the Singaporean shop owner who would be doing most of the food preparations. Not only that, they have strict guidelines when choosing who to employ, so when the foreign workers don't matched up to par with their expectations, the foreigner gets rejected. Now, when a foreigned, hard-bent on working faraway from home, gets rejected by another country, where does he or she go to? ---- To another country where guidelines are 'slack' or ' non-existant', Malaysia of course, We are know worldwide for our non-existant rules and regulations. If, a layman foreigner couldn't go to one country, he would keep on hopping until he can land onto one which doesn't 'reject' him. NOW, WHAT ABOUT CRIMINALS WHO HAVE TO FLEE THEIR OWN COUNTRIES, WHERE DO THEY LAND?
