Malaysians easy to CHEAT?

Our 'beloved' Home Minister from the bad-Notorious federal government says (through the government's very own man-handled mainstream media) that the opposition political party pakatan Rakyat is 'HARPING ON CRIMINAL ISSUES TO ERODE THE PEOPLE'S CONFIDENCE IN THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT'. This is a very laughable matter here. First, I do not think the Malaysian people have any confidence left behind for the federal government, 2nd, I do not think that the Malaysian people are THAT EASY to be influenced by "HARPING ON ANY ISSUES". Rome is not built in 1 day. The erosion of the people's confidence in the federal government, is mainly due to the govt's very own doings. That the Home Minister is saying those words, He must either be doubting the mentality of this country's people, OR he is implying that the BN-led government HAS been using all sorts of tactics to 'influence ' the thinking of the Malaysian people THE LAST 55 YEARS. SO, ARE YOU EASILY INFLUENCED, OR DO YOU NOT HAVE A THINKING OF YOUR OWN? THINK. If there ever is to be any person who DON'T have a thinking of his own, IT definitely has to be the person who said those words. THINK AGAIN.
