Malaysian consumerism kills businesses

malaysians on the whole hate to be at home. the federal government with their crony businessmen, conspired to develop smaller and smaller houses(while at the same time earn more with less cost), so that house owners can't stay comfortably at home, they have to go out in order to save on air-cond electricity usage, BUT then, they tend to spend more in terms of valuable time, food costs, impulse buying, and of course, fuel for transport. Malaysians themselves have unknowingly fallen into the trap set by the government authorities and businessmen, yet they tend to like such a lifestyle. one of the reasons, Malaysians love going out, is due to their yearning and urge for seeking 'NEW' things. this urge for everything 'new' has created an illusion of 'prospective' business opportunities for would-be money-faced entreprenuers. They thought the group of consumers is constantly growing at exponential rates, that's why shops of every kind sprout up every now and then. Let's take an example of restaurants, Malaysians looking for new restaurants to patronise, created the need for new restaurants to flourish, while at the same time rendering ANY food business older than two years or more as 'OLD'. since malaysians only like to patronise 'NEW' places, 'OLD' places die after a short while. This translates into a business model where, many business could not sustain any more than two years. We can see that, people keep moving from area to area, and business activities likewise. Compleses, for instance, always open with a lot of hoohah, BUT will mostly become pitifully deserted after the 'NEW' factor faded out. in other words, the average Malaysian consumer kills businesses. Of course, we know this is also a consumerism culture nurtured through the 55 years of BN administration.
