Malaysia a criminal's paradise

Malaysia is a criminal's paradise. Looking at tv screen, getting to know our 'royal' police force nabbing another trunkload of syabu is more depressing than the expected spirit of jubilation from those in the security force. In normal circumstances, we would have praised the police force for another 'successful' operation. Oh yes, I do feel proud for the police, but not for the country as a whole. News of such 'drugs' being confiscated and drug cartels being 'crippled' have been too frequent on our tv screens, so much that I could not help but suspect that the term 'crippled' have been overstated. Moreover, the frequency of 'drugs' being raided have an implication of 'more' such stuff roaming freely in our streets. That drug traffickers chose to come here , may also be a testimony to the slack law enforcement at our customs gates. What bothered me more is that, while we see on tv the faces of athletes who 'didn't win any Olympic medal' got splashed openly (is it an intention to make our athletes feel shameful?), criminals who got convicted of various crimes COULD have their relatives help cover up their faces from flickering cameras. It puzzles me why the mainstream media of our country chose to reveal faces of innocent victims, BUT kept criminals from being exposed to public? IS it a ploy to keep the criminals faces and identities undisclosed so as to allow them 'easier to commit future crimes'? Or is it a way to prevent the innocent public from 'identifying and preventing' imminent danger? No wonder, criminals from all over the world find our country a paradise to carry out their activities. It is also the same reason why our athletes are getting lousier every year. I guess they don't foresee the 'incentive' in serving the country, much as would-be criminals foresee the 'incentives'( or freedom) in committing crimes in Malaysia. Criminals, knowing very well that they can still keep their faces 'unknown to public' even if they got caught, would always consider 'crime' a 'lucrative' way of earning a living in this Malaysian paradise.
