the dawn of a 'lepak'-ing vehicle.
Nowadays, wherever you go, you see people young and old each grasping either a touchscreen gadgetor slate computer, busily flicking and pinching as their legs carry them along to whatever their destinations.
I do not know if this scenario is any different from the motherland of such IT gadgets, the U.S.., but we obviously can see that the slates and touchscreens and 'pads' are in fact more time-wasting than productive.
there may be people who could make good use of such IT hardware as well as softwares, but surely majority of such users could at most use them as entertainment interfaces.
people who walked in the streets or loiter around shopping complexes, are always busy flicking and pinching, but I don't see how productive they could be by merely doing that.
ipad users even boast of more than a million apps out there for use on their machines, just that the reality hurts. a million apps could only mean ' a dozen or so' categories which you could actually derive 'use' from. the bulk of such 'a million apps' could all fall in to this 'download-try-for-a-while-and-uninstall-if-you-do-not-like-it' category, where most ipads and droidpads users do to kill time.
If you are going to kill 5 minutes for each 'download-and-discard' app, 5 million minutes will waste 10 years of your valuable time.
I have seen many friends who used to chat a lot at our meets, but would just pin their eyes on the padscreen due to the craze of such things. and about the most productive thing I could see them doing on their pads, would be keying in an appointment.
I believe, besides listening to some music (which you could find a trillion other products that do this same trick), or flicking and zooming-in-and-out of photos, the many other hardcore work, you still have to do on a full-fledge pc. (which is why pcs are still the core business of pc manufacturers).
with the advent of young generations craving for these glamor factors, their time would all go to waste by merely flicking and pinching.
By the way, is this also one of the factors contributing to an economic gloom in the states and the world over?.
now, let's do some thinking, try to imagine the things you could achieve with and without a slate pc. would the economic scene be totally different, if people weren't so busy flicking and pinching? what pleasure could be derived from such finger-itch movements?
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