Please Rise From the Grave

Someone out of somewhere commented that I have been 'shitting' on Puppet Minister Najis's head lately. In a BLOG meant for 'good food' and 'great fun', MY GOD. That's GREAT FUN. The fun continues when I saw the Puppet Najis's face on TV News (as usual like in the TDM's regime, mainstream media always make sure their Puppets appear at least ONCE every day, and..and.. make headlines too). He was calling for retired public servants to HELP convey the Bad-Notorious propagandas and advertise their 'GOOD POINTS' to the young generations. For one second, I choked again. Has our Puppet master rann out of people to rely on, that he need those who were retired to come back and 'WORK' for him? You mean for RM500? Or was it that he knows very well that the new generation and future 'leaders' all won't play to the Bad and Notorious tunes anymore? I have a suggestion here, why not go dig up his old man from the grave and try something NEW? The DEAD may be able to HELP too.


  1. Yeah. You know that they are paying RM 20.00 ~ RM 50.00 per monkey to ride/drive around town with the ugly blue/white flag.

    The good part is, no one other the monkeys gave a damn...


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