Malaysia no comparison to Germany, Japan or Korea

In the debate of using BM or English as a teaching language for Science and Maths subjects, we overlooked the linkage between languages and application subjects.

Those technologically advanced countries do not rely on English to become such,
doesn't mean the logic applies to Malaysia as well.

Think of the tremendous amount of money these countries put into R & D (using their own mother tongue), the intellectual wealth they created from those findings are the fundamental support to advances in Sciences and Maths that these countries had, in order to justify the pride of 'national language'.
That is one place where Malaysia lacked. Our government has never ,through the
past 52 years, exhibited their enthusiasm in R & D, neither igniting the desire for
such, nor given encouraging support, thus depriving Malaysians the opportunity to chart history into the unknown.

Without the basics of entrepreneuring bravery in such areas, there is no way we
could establish the much needed intellectuality for the ever-advancing frontier, using our national language.
Instead, we continue to adapt, translate, borrow, buy, loan, maybe steal...
