Stop thinking./Just do it.

Now this corruption thing is not concerned with monopoly or not, but with the people. every wants to save some hassle/ money with bribes so that they could quickly get on with their business. aslong as there is no enforcement, or if enforcement is slack, people still commit crimes knowing that the authorities are somewhat LAZY, or 'SHORTHANDED'(as our leaders always put it that wayto save their asses), this appliesto all aspects including dangerous driving, lack of security, dirty restaurants, clogged drains, hillside collapses, break-ins, piracy of intellectual property, development of lousy housing projects, bad traffic and transport planning, and all.
As long as our ministers continue to waste valuable time attending ribbon-cutting launches and ceremonies, they wont have enough eyes to oversee what public servants are doing, so, whether or not you allow more companies to conduct vehicles checks, people still think the goverment servants are a group of materialistic hooligans who can be bought with money, they still do it for the sake of jumping queues, saving time or hiding some illegal doings.
So, dont waste time thinking of new solutions, there are none other than buckling up, and do it, THE ENFORCEMENT. thats all.
