wwhat to do if you live in CHEAP Malaysia

What to do if you live in CHEAP Malaysia. MALAYSIA has become so CHEAP, that we lead CHEAP LIFESTYLES. . . . . . . . BE A Voter, be a Malaysian. Vote as you may, but you lose because your vote got drowned by imported CHEAP votes, balloted through the back door. . . . . . . . . What is it they cannot do when they can even appoint 'rejected' election candidates into the cabinet, also through the back door? . . . . . . . . Be a CHEAP boss, because you have to slash cost by employing CHEAP LABOUR, in order to maximise your profiits. . . . . . . . . Be a CHEAP consumer, because you have to maximise your money's buying power to buy the CHEAPEST products for consumption. Why not, since most products available on Malaysian shelves are in reality products provided by CHEAP BOSSES who think like you. . . . . . . . Give birth to CHEAP babies, because you rely upon imported CHEAP LABOUR to look after (and also educate) your kids during the most vital learning ages. . . . . . . . Live your life like a cheapskate, because you have to fly (like everyone) on CHEAP(SKATE) airlines which are the same airlines that brought in CHEAP VOTES, hahaha. . . . . . . . Feed on CHEAP FOOD, because you being too lazy to cook, too lazy to clean up, has to drive out to CHEAPSKATE restaurants (which look externally like glamourous palaces), and chomp on food prepared by CHEAPSKATE 'chefs', if you can even call them that. . . . . . . . Because you are lazy to do work and chores yourselves, you have to rely on CHEAPSKATE LABOUR, so as to free yourselves to go out and earn your home loan instalments as well as the CHEAP LABOUR'S wage. . . . . . . . BUT no matter how much you earn, or how beautiful you house can be, you still have to depend on those CHEAPSKATE LABOUR to 'guard' your property. . . . . . . . While you are busy working your ass off, the 'Cheapskate labour ' at home gets to enjoy all the glamour and luxuries you worked so hard to own, yet you only get to enjoy those things when you finally finish work late in the night. . . . . . but then, you already need to flop down on the bed. . . . . . . . . . .. . So, we continue to lead CHEAPSKATE lives, wearing CHEAP clothing (sold at high prices in big complexes) made in Cheapskate countries, go to restaurants that utilise CHEAPSKATE tables and chairs and crockery, consume CHEAPSKATE food materials (don't tell me you believe the cheapskate restaurant owners can afford to serve you with quality materials without cutting your throat), cooked by CHEAP chefs who were probably previously lorry drivers or construction workers before they left their CHEAP countries in search of 'golden opportunities' here. . . . . . . .
