DDo we ever need to go to school?

Why do we go to school?. . . . To get 'educated' obviously.. . .. Why do we get education through successive grades and versions? . . . . To further enhance and improve our knowledge in more detail. . . . . . . . . . To learn new things. . . . . Even the old religious books have to progress through successive methods of reproduction: from handwritten scriptures to block etching to web offset to laser-fusing. . . . . What baffles the modern people is that : if our 'apparatus' for earning a living has to improve together with time, why is it that we still have to stick to old scriptures (that ignores 'updates' and 'improvement') for our humane 'well-being'? If you taught your son to be good, and later found him to be rebellious, or found him to defy whatever moral values you taught him, and he did bad deeds, would you forgive him? Yes you will. . . . . If your bad son apologises after one bad deed, and goes back to another one or more bad deed, repeats the betrayal procedure over and over again, just to seek your forgiveness time after time, would you get fed up and not forgive him anymore? Of course you will, because he is your son. . . . . WHAT IF he is NOT your son? You will not tolerate the unending bad deeds he keep on committing, RIGHT?. . . . . . . . . . So, how does this explain your 'faith in GOD that HE have to forgive you over and over again, knowing you continue to commit bad deeds cleansing off some of your old sins thereafter'?. . . . Does it NOT baffles you that you have such a 'BELIEF' and yet you do not practise it yourself, BUT expects GOD to practise it on you?. . . . . . . . . .How dare you expect this 'SOMETHING IN RETURN' from GOD by merely 'believing in HIM'? Have you not known that the religious books you based your belief and faith upon, are all written based on the needs of the old days (where humans are more 'human-like') and not appropriate for use in today's 'LACK OF TRUST AND FAITH'-world. . . . . I believe you would laugh or sneer if some of your peers today live their life and act like they existed only 2 thousands ago, NO?. . . . . . . . . . Then why the heaven did you want to get educated and learn from writings written for humans whose actions could make you laugh or sneer at?. . . . .why don't you cook your food with a stick pierced through it over a fire (made by yourself) instead of utilising a microwave oven?. . . . .i thought you never believe in science. I thought you also didn't know a sperm need to swim towards an ovum in order to make a baby. . . . . . . . . . Perhaps. . . . . A blazing star can do just that remotely two thousand years back. . . . . . If you can accept that the human race started off with just one pair of male and female, you may as well accept that 'INCEST' is NO CRIME. Don't tell me you are going to do just that today. . . . . . . . . . YUKS.
