CCTVs can reduce crime?

I never know that cctvs can help to reduce crime. the latest budget report from our Bad-Notorious government is nothing new, but some old tactics which have been repeated year after year. These 'declarations' are so 'good-sounding' to some stupid and naive quarters, that they will think the BN government is giving them candies again. Little did they know, that the bitterness comes after the sweetness. Be prepared for another round of price hikes after this. The most laughable matter is about using 400 over CCTV cameras to 'reduce crime'. I SUDDENLY SCRATCH MY HEAD, AND ASKED, DO THESE CAMERAS HAVE HANDS AND LEGS? While our fat-buttock police force all have hands and legs, coupled with ammunition and super-fast cars (look at the way patrol cars were driven), they still CAN'T stifle crime rate increase, what more to rely on cameras that are lifeless. The cameras are also mounted high above and could only capture pictures of peoples' head (or dandruff), or caps, but never can they positively identify any FACES. Even then, police still couldn't catch the criminals what with a clear 'wanted' picture. Another waste of public money on useless things. Or is it that the buyer can have some kickback, for that matter? So, since the BAdNotorious government is 'offering' GOODIES AGAIN in this new budget, does this mean all of us should BELIEVE that they are good leaders, and hence we should continue to vote for them come GE13? Is it that simple? Why not give another round of 'candies', since 'not losing the GE13' would literally mean 'HAVING ANOTHER 5 YEARS TO GUZZLE PUBLIC MONEY'. of course, holding back the 'candies' may mean 'LOSING IT ALL AND GETTING A PRICK IN THE ASS AFTER THIS'.
