there are times, people easily get tempted and blinded by things like ' Latest technology',, 'trendiest gadget', 'latest version'...etc, etc.
When Apple launched their iPad, they blurted loudly that future touchscreen tablets are going to do away with the stylus. That was what they do with their product.
many people would also be blinded enough to follow the fad, and started crying "capacitive" is better than "resistive", just because the later WAS an old technology.
Things have proven Steve Jobs WRONG.
When Samsung came out with their Galaxy Note, iPad lovers laughed their jaws off. Well, market forces told us, the stylus is here to stay.
samsung was clever enough to add in a wacom digitiser for the stylus to interact and get 'pressure-sensitive' gestures. Meaning, you can get variable width line drawings precisely-to-the-pixel. Of course, you can't do that on a capacitive screen with your finger, DON'T BE FOOLISH. You won't be able to see precisely where your finger tip is going to touchdown onto the screen, because your finger cannot be as POINTED as a stylus.
Then again, the inclusion of a wacom digitiser will raise the cost of manufacture.
Anyway, seeing that the Galaxy Note has opened new frontiers for would-be photography artists, Apple has to think of a way to bring back the stylus.
yes, they do have one for the iPad (by a third party), and it's going to cost at least one third the price of the iPad, only the stylus, my GOD.
I have taken a step back and looked at resistive screens (instead of those capacitive-made-for-flicking screens). Mind you, China is keeping up with the resistive low-tech and massively producing bigger screens based on this stylus-pressure-sentitive technology.
I banked on the old technology and used one of these (a 7-in resisitive screen) low-techChina-pads to do a lot of my artistic work.
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