Marina is irrelevant

The not so recent 428 Bersih 3.0 protests ended with a few ugly events. Many may associate the events as dirty tactics played by the Bad and Notorious imposters, aimed at sabotaging the Bersih intentions. Like in the words of the dirty old man TDM, to establish the Bersih movement as a ploy to attract foreigners "fly in and bomb Kuala Lumpur, then they will be happy". I choked at reading such statements from a "nothing-much-to-do-waiting-for-the sun-to-set-on-him" EX-dictator. What more glaring to read his daughter's unpublished opinions (ommitted from her Star column) placed side by side with this old man's "bad-mouthing" glamourous English. If anyone other than this imposter said those words, they would have warranted an arrest by the police, for seditious remarks (also words of the yet-to-die ex-dictator). Many would have praised the "brave" opinions of the dictator's daughter as love for the country (Malaysia, in this case...or is it?), BUT you ask me...I think otherwise. No matter how brave this Marina would be, she still wouldn't have the guts to fling back at the old man, who is frequently backfiring her efforts. That her father is constantly vomitting such bad remarks, would have offset all of Marina's good intentions (if any), thereby making her opinions unrelevant, unsubstantiated. Let me think,... maybe it's the old man who asked the Star editors to stop printing her opinions, who knows? After all, I have reason to believe that a great portion of her limelight were credits of her father's social position. So, when it comes any crucial moment where she has to make a choice, she would most definitely give up her love for this country in favour for her love in the family. Who in this world would give second priority to family values, HUH?
