Yesterday, when strolling around my home's vicinity, someone stopped me by the roadside to 'kaypoh' a bit.
he asked if I did regsiter and apply for the RM500 our Malaysian Bad-Notorious fed government is handing out recently. Though I cannot admit that I am a donkey, BUT still RM500 can definitely buy a lot of carrots....HEE-HAW...
I said "NO, I thought they only offer it to people 60 and above?"
" Yeah, everyone can apply, but you have to fill in a form and disclose a lot of your personal details.
(Well, I am not afraid of disclosing any amount of my details, what I am afraid of is the fine point "Terms and conditions" they have hidden somewhere on the page you sign your name.)
If that is the case, did you? I asked.
He replied NO, coz some relative of his filled in some form and got nothing. In return, they got hold of all his particulars.
NOW, he said, THEY (who are they, you know la, the Bad and Notorious shitheads, of course) know the relative has many houses, many cars, and much cash in hand. Another POOR, rich donkey. HEE-HAW.
WOW, for that amount of money (RM500, as if it is bigger than a bullockcart wheel), you have to disclose all your wealth?
"Then", I replied," had better not be GREEDY, if not they get to know that I have many KAM GAU CHAI--golden puppies at home".
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