They say if you believe in GOD (No matter which god , that is), don't ever reverse what HIS teachings to you, otherwise whomever you believe in will only become a DOG. The same with TUHAN, You get Hantu instead.
So, this shuttles me back to the days where we have schoolmates trying to coax non-believers into their 'GANG', BIBLE or Quran, or FOJING in hand, refering to the lines to debate over which religion is better, or rather, MORE TERROR (in our schooling language).
When It comes to me, I say, I have no one to believe, except myself. OR Rather, YOUR GOD may be true, BUT YOU ARE NOT.
The one who preaches and 'advertise' his religion, he knows too little of his religion.
Let me ask. What is your BOSS doing up there about people down here tarnishing HIS NAME using HIM as a excuse to FIGHT and KILL?
If ever there is one religion that I must believe, I would say: The Invincible Religion. There may only be ONE GOD and ONE follower, BUT at least, there are no TERROR apples in it. I DON't GO Around KILLING people in the name of my religion , or beliefs.
NOW, here's another question. What is the point of building the BIGGEST, or GRANDEST, or MOST expensive worshipping place?
I have heard them say, GOD will be there more often.
This sucks. If GOD will only be there more often just because you have a Grander and BIGGER and Expensive worshipping place, then you can be so sure, the next time someone else builds another Guiness record, Your GOD is GONE. Because you are no more BIG and GRAND.
If your worshipping place is small, does it mean that GOD will not be there? Then Don't bother to believe in such a materialistic DOG.
here's another million dollar question, \:
Since you and I are sons of GOD himself, and not sons of our very own parents, Will you the POLICE, hand your blood son over to the police station personally if you found out he committed crime? NO, you will not, because you still have 'BIASED' preferences over 'your' son, just because he grew up from your spermatazoon. Will you as a JUDGE, pass a death sentence on your spermatazoon, when you found out your spermatazoon killed someone else's spermatazoon?
NO one can do that to their very own blood. That means, you do not wholeheartedly believe in your GOD. Your GOD is only a DOG.
Come and join the Invincible religion.
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