BN and Gerakan is SCARED.

They are scared. NOW.

Who are they? They are those who ruled this country Malaysia for 50 years and on the verge of losing grasp.

Why do I say so. Simple.

Bet you all have seen that tv advertisement about Penang getting more than 40 billion ringgit in foreign investments during the years 2000 through 2008. In other words, during the administration of the Bad and Notorious govt.
First thing first, 40 Billion , so what? Where did the cream of the 40 billion go to? The answer is ANYWHERE except the mouth of the poor, grassroots class.

The other Billion-dollar question is: why were there no such 'trumpetting ads' from them when Penang was still in their stronghold? WHY put such an ad and inform us about HISTORY only when they lost their power in Penang?

I guess, a wild guess: They are so Bad and Notorious that; while Penang was still in their hands, they never bother to TALK to us, the grassroots.

I think I should get a 40 billion ringgit award for guessing right.


  1. The confidence of people with BN is like taking a nose dive. Its just disgusting to see their faces. Everytime Ah Jib Gor opens his mouth, many in FB will run him down and use his own words against him.

  2. hahaha, you also got obbsessed with ah jib gor? nearly laughed and throw out all the rice in my mouth.


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