When everyone is busy making money, all those good food we used to savour during the good old days, are no more to be found anywhere, anytime.
Not that the hawkers or food sellers don't know how to prepare those food anymore, more due to the fact that they are focused on profits than preserving food quality.
Yong Tau Fu used to be stuffed with good quality fish paste, fresh and aptly kneaded, they give you that chewy feel when you sink your teeth into the food.
Yeah, food sellers now add in a lot of tapioca flour to substitute the real fish flesh, that's why we need to do it at home, in order that we could still get to taste the good old Yong Tau Fu.
Not that the hawkers or food sellers don't know how to prepare those food anymore, more due to the fact that they are focused on profits than preserving food quality.
Yong Tau Fu used to be stuffed with good quality fish paste, fresh and aptly kneaded, they give you that chewy feel when you sink your teeth into the food.
Yeah, food sellers now add in a lot of tapioca flour to substitute the real fish flesh, that's why we need to do it at home, in order that we could still get to taste the good old Yong Tau Fu.
Thanks for the YTF dinner and almond-kopi-O. Call me anytime you cook something interesting - I be tester for free... hehehe!!